First, there was a party...

Then came two prizefighters...

Isn't it time to eat?

And then a nap...

At two months...

It's portrait day!

Taking in some of that California sun...

A proud sister...

"But I'm too young to mow the lawn!"

"This is more like it."

A born gymnast...

"Aren't there black widows out here?"

A born traveler...

Getting spoiled by grandmother...

Portrait of a family

A proud grandmother!

"Would someone turn on the lights?"

"Brr, Vancouver is COLD!"

"Can't you carry me the rest of the way?"

"At least I'm well fed!"

"I love my new jacket, Mom!"

"I hope that lady next door doesn't notice us!"

An adventure with Grandma Stoops

A solemn family at the teacherage...

Weee, a born sportsman!

A little kanaka...

A tropical pose with the ladies...

Portrait with Duchess Abigail Traumerai III

On Dad's "totegoat" in Eugene

A born herpetologist...

What a handsome young man!

"Europe is fine, ladies, as long as you keep your distance!"

"You want me to WHAT?!"

And school begins...

But there is still time for fun...

Time for another trip to Europe...

A family portrait...

Born for fun...

King of the Hill!

Proud parents

A final farewell...

A born farmer...

Those were the days...
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